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Why Consider Terra Slicing?


Pressure Regime
Poor Pressure Regime Around the Well bore

Conventional drilling & completion technologies cause high pressure, low permeable area to form around the well bore. Often conventional drilling & completion technologies also damage the near-well bore zone.





Stress Distribution
Terra Slicing Re-Distributes Stress

Vertical “door-frame” sliced design redistributes mechanical stress to the outside tips of the slices. Removing near-wellbore stress creates a pressure drop that increases permeability. Excavation expands the drainage surface area.




Benefits of Terra Slicing

Hydro Jetting

Hydro Jetting

Re-distributes stresses away from near-well bore zone

Porosity increases >> 4-5x; Permeability >> 15x

Drainage volume increases to 6.2x greater than borehole

Very deep penetration (compared to perforation)

Creates vertical permeability that does not normally exist in nature (reaches full thickness through inter bedding / layers)

Has a longer lasting effect than any other technology

"Managed balanced" drilling – not overbalanced

So powerful it can cut multiple casings & deep rock

Does not crack casing cement / keeps hydraulic integrity

The only technology that actually excavates rock

Accurate & controllable connection / communication

Helps direct a hydraulic fracture (even near water)

Follow-up intensification methods also shows increased results due to huge drainage surface


Financial Benefits

Up to 30-50%
Faster Oil Recovery

Up to 80-160%
Faster Gas Recovery

Better than Fracking

Predictable results prior to any major expenditures

Shorten return on investment

Increase cash flow, enhancement of current yield

Extend life of current low or  non-producing assets

Recovery of assets previously unattainable

No need to Frack

Significant improvement of newly drilled assets


Access reserves far beyond what was previously accessible